
The Processor is the primary object instantiated and used within this library.

ParseBuffer() Example

Shows a Processor with Elements and Routines defined during runtime processing the output buffer of the file.

use Ouxsoft\PHPMarkup\Factory\ProcessorFactory;

$processor = ProcessorFactory::getInstance();

    'xpath' => '//partial',
    'class_name' => 'Partial\{name}'

    'method' => 'onRender',
    'execute' => 'RETURN_CALL'

<html lang="en">
    <partial name="Alert" type="success">
        This is a success alert.


ParseBuffer() Inside Router Example

A server-side markup abstraction layer example. Shows using ParseBuffer inside a third party router to prevent the need to declare the Processor within each file.


use Ouxsoft\PHPMarkup\Factory\ProcessorFactory;
use Ouxsoft\Hoopless\Router;

require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';

// define common directories
define('ROOT_DIR', dirname(__DIR__, 1) . '/');
define('PUBLIC_DIR', ROOT_DIR . 'public/');
define('ASSET_DIR', ROOT_DIR . 'assets/');
define('IMAGE_DIR', ASSET_DIR . 'images/');
define('CONFIG_DIR', ROOT_DIR . 'config/');

// set include path

// instantiate processor with configuration and set to parse buffer
global $processor;
$processor = ProcessorFactory::getInstance();
$processor->loadConfig(CONFIG_DIR . 'config.dist.json');

// Route traffic to a specific file
$router = new Router();

// if response is a blank document chances are the page is missing a root element

ParseFile() Example

Shows a Processor defined with Elements and Routines defined in a loaded config and a parse file containing markup.

use Ouxsoft\PHPMarkup\Factory\ProcessorFactory;

$processor = ProcessorFactory::getInstance();



ParseString() Example

Shows a Processor with Configuration Elements and Routines manually defined parsing a string.

use Ouxsoft\PHPMarkup\Factory\ProcessorFactory;

$processor = ProcessorFactory::getInstance();

    'xpath' => '//partial',
    'class_name' => 'Partial\{name}'

    'method' => 'onRender',
    'execute' => 'RETURN_CALL'

$processor->parseString('<html lang="en">
    <partial name="Alert" type="success">
        This is a success alert.
