
The Configuration class is responsible for the instructions that explain to the Builder how to build the LHTML Document. These instructions can be set by modifying the config file that is loaded.

Config File

Configurations can be loaded from a file or created using an object. Below is an example of a config file.


  "version": 3,
  "elements": [
      "xpath": "//bitwise",
      "class_name": "PHPMarkup\\Test\\Bitwise"
  "routines": [
      "method": "beforeLoad",
      "description": "Execute before object data is loaded"
      "method": "onLoad",
      "description": "Execute when object data is loading"
      "method": "afterLoad",
      "description": "Execute after object data is loaded"
      "method": "beforeRender",
      "description": "Execute before object is rendered"
      "method": "onRender",
      "description": "Execute while object is rendering",
      "execute": "RETURN_CALL"
      "method": "afterRender",
      "description": "Execute after object is rendered"


If a config file has been specified during construction, it will be loaded.
If a config file has not been specified the Configuration class tries to
load a config.json file if present.
If the config.json is not present, the Configuration will try

to load the | packaged config config.dist.json file.


Parameter Comments
version Indicates the file structure to the Configuration for stability purposes.
elements An array containing the types of elements to load at runtime. Each type contains contain an array with a name, a class_name, and a xpath expression.
element:*:name Defines what the elements is named.
element:*:xpath Specifies exactly how find DOMElements to initialize as elements. Xpath expressions are a powerful syntax for searching within a the Document for DOMElements.
element:*:class_name Specifies which class to instantiate the DOMElement as. The class_name provided must refer to a class that extends the abstract Element class. The class name may feature a {name} variable which is automatically populated by the DOMElement’s name attribute during runtime.
routines An array containing automated method calls that will be made to all Elements during runtime. The order of items in this array determines the order of execution.
routines:*:name The exact name of the method being executed.
routines:*:description An explanation of what the method is doing that indicates its order.
routines:*:execute Determines whether the method should be ran differently. Currently, the following commands are supported * RETURN_CALL - The output of the method will replace the DOMElement in the DOMDocument. Is optional
markup: String containing the actual LHTML that will be parsed by the Builder. This field is typically omitted from the config file and is instead appended to Configuration during runtime, often by the Autoloader.